Paragliding at Cà del Monte

Cà del Monte probably is one of the best spots for paragliding enthusiasts to plan a vacation.
The southern take-off is a few steps away from the rooms and restaurant, while the western take-off is about 100m away.
These features make the location the perfect spot to spend some days in complete relaxation, only thinking about flying and having fun.


Paragliding at Cà del Monte

Cà del Monte probably is one of the best spots for paragliding enthusiasts to plan a vacation.
The southern take-off is a few steps away from the rooms and restaurant, while the western take-off is about 100m away.
These features make the location the perfect spot to spend some days in complete relaxation, only thinking about flying and having fun.

The perfect spot
for a paragliding vacation

area di atterraggio volo in parapendio

Flight zones

Cà del Monte stands on a plateau 700 meters above sea level, with a 350 meters difference in altitude compared to the landing zone.
The area is particularly suited to paragliding thanks to its air currents and, when the weather is good, significant altitudes can be reached, making cross flights above the wonderful hills possible.

If paragliding is the easiest way to fly, hovering in the air with an instructor is the simplest way to do so.

Obtained by distillation, it appears as a colorless, or pale-yellow or greenish liquid, with a typical smell and bitter taste, and offers different benefits to the care of our body due to its properties and beneficial effects:

  • proprietà antimicrobiche
  • proprietà sedative
  • proprietà antinfiammatorie e antidolorifiche
  • effetti sul tratto gastrointestinale

Given its many properties, the uses of lavender essential oil turn out to be many, from aromatherapy to supplementation (with dilution and following appropriate directions), for insect bites, acne, dandruff, etc.
There are several cosmetic products containing lavender essential oil, also, it is used in some cases as a flavoring for desserts in cooking (NB: in cooking it is used only in some cases as a flavoring, but should NOT be used for cooking).

area di atterraggio volo in parapendio

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